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Bridging the Gap: How Sustainability Reports Fall Short for Consumers and How Susty Can Help

In an age where sustainability is becoming increasingly critical, many companies are eager to showcase their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts. However, there’s a glaring disconnect between the detailed, data-heavy sustainability reports that companies produce and the clear, digestible information that consumers crave. This gap not only hinders companies from effectively communicating their sustainability initiatives but also leaves consumers struggling to make informed choices. Here’s why this disconnect exists and how a platform like Susty can bridge the gap, empowering companies and consumers alike.

The Problem: Sustainability Reports Aren't Consumer-Friendly

Corporate sustainability reports are often lengthy, technical documents filled with jargon, metrics, and data that make sense to investors, regulators, and industry insiders but are overwhelming to the average consumer. These reports are typically designed to meet regulatory requirements, provide detailed insights for investors, and demonstrate compliance with various sustainability frameworks. While this is crucial for corporate accountability, it doesn’t necessarily translate well to consumer understanding.

1. Complexity and Length: Sustainability reports can span dozens or even hundreds of pages, diving deep into everything from carbon emissions to labor practices. For most consumers, sifting through these documents is not just impractical but almost impossible.

2. Technical Jargon: Terms like “Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions,” “materiality assessments,” and “ESG indices” may be familiar to those in the corporate world but are often meaningless to the average person trying to decide which brand to support.

3. Lack of Personalization: Consumers are looking for information that’s relevant to them—how a company’s sustainability practices impact the products they buy and the values they hold. However, most sustainability reports are written in broad, generalized terms that don’t address individual consumer concerns.

The Consequence: Missed Opportunities for Engagement

When sustainability reports fail to resonate with consumers, companies miss out on a significant opportunity to build brand loyalty and trust. Today’s consumers—especially Millennials and Gen Z—are increasingly driven by purpose, choosing to support brands that align with their values. If companies can’t effectively communicate their sustainability efforts, they risk losing these conscious consumers to competitors who can.

Moreover, this lack of communication can lead to skepticism. When consumers can’t easily access or understand a company’s sustainability efforts, they may question the authenticity of those efforts, suspecting greenwashing or tokenism instead.

The Solution: Susty’s Mobile App for Consumer-Driven Sustainability

This is where a platform like Susty comes into play. Susty reimagines the way companies communicate their sustainability efforts by providing a mobile app that’s designed with both companies and consumers in mind.

1. Sustainability Assessment and Profile Creation: Companies can undergo a comprehensive yet user-friendly sustainability assessment through the Susty platform. This assessment distills complex ESG data into a more digestible format, making it easier for companies to communicate their efforts.

2. Susty Score: After the assessment, companies receive a Susty Score—a clear, concise rating that reflects their sustainability performance. This score is easy for consumers to understand and compare, providing a quick snapshot of how companies measure up in terms of sustainability.

3. Direct Communication: With a Susty profile, companies can directly communicate with consumers through the app. This could include updates on sustainability initiatives, responses to consumer questions, and promotions for sustainable products. By providing a direct line of communication, Susty helps companies build trust and transparency with their audience.

4. Consumer Empowerment: For consumers, the Susty app serves as a powerful tool to make informed decisions. They can browse company profiles, compare Susty Scores, and choose to support brands that align with their values. The app also allows consumers to engage with companies, providing feedback and driving demand for more sustainable practices.

The Impact: Building Trust and Driving Change

By making sustainability information more accessible and engaging, Susty can help companies not only communicate their efforts more effectively but also build stronger, more authentic relationships with consumers. This, in turn, drives consumer-driven change—encouraging companies to prioritize sustainability not just for compliance or risk management, but to genuinely meet the demands of a conscious market.

In conclusion, while traditional sustainability reports serve their purpose in the corporate world, they fall short in engaging the consumer audience. Susty offers a solution by transforming complex sustainability data into clear, actionable insights that resonate with consumers. As more companies embrace platforms like Susty, we can hope to see a future where sustainability isn’t just a corporate buzzword but a meaningful part of everyday consumer choices.

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